Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Exciting Times!

Life has been very busy lately - in my current job, I teach Music as well as Kindergarten, and we are preparing for our annual School Musical in about 2 weeks.  My heart hasn't been in it the same way this year, especially now that I know I am moving on...but I still must do my best, right?  (I keep telling myself that...)

So, what has been exciting?  I got to meet my new colleagues on Saturday!  The three of us met at the new school with our principal-to-be and had a short meeting and a long look-around.  Oh my.  My current school building is over 60 years old and shows its age.  Case in point:  in my Music Room I have ONE electrical outlet.  In my new Grade 1 classroom there are outlets on all four walls, plus places for internet connections (although I think I heard that we're going to have wireless) and even a PHONE.  The principal laughed when I was so excited about that one thing, but when you have to go downstairs to the staffroom or office any time you get (or want to make) a phone call, that's a pretty big improvement!

I LOVE my new colleagues.  The three of us (Kindergarten, Grade 1 and a combined Grade 2/3) hit it off immediately.  It was a lovefest.  We were all so giddy and excited, but I learned enough about them in those few hours together to feel really optimistic about next year.  The cherry on top was an e-mail from one of them later that evening, affirming everything that I felt.

More excitement:  the church we are attached to had a Scholastic book fair on the weekend when they held an open house to see the new school, and raised about $6000.  The principal said that she plans to give us each $2000 of that for our classroom libraries.  Yippee!  I love books!  I still have most of the books that I acquired when I first taught Gr. 1, but most are looking VERY used, as my own kids read them.  In my years of teaching Music and French I did get some books to support both of those subjects (and I will take the Music ones with me, although I'll leave the French) but little else.  I spent some time on the Scholastic website creating a theoretical order, and I am amazed at how many books I will be able to get!  Fun times ahead!

We are meeting again at the end of April - it's nice to actually have some ideas about how next year will go.  More fun ahead, I'm sure!